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Purim is a highlight of the Shtiebel year - join us at the Shtiebel for spirited prayer, connective gatherings, nourishing meals, and vibrant Torah learning throughout the holiday!

Fulfilling the Mitzvot of Purim at the Shtiebel

Seudah • Festive meal


It is a mitzvah to have a festive meal with friends, old and new, on Purim day. We are excited to be hosting a heimish seudah at the Shtiebel, open to all. Please consider participating in sponsoring the Seudah to make our joyful Purim meal accessible to everyone who would like to attend.


Megillah • Reading the story


All Jewish adults are obligated to read or hear Megillat Esther at night and again in the daytime. There are MANY opportunities for this at the Shtiebel, including a sensory-friendly option and late reading. Check out the schedule!


If anyone is unable to attend the Megillah reading, please contact us to arrange a private reading at home or in the hospital.


Mishloach manot • Food packages for friends


The primary mitzvah is to give two ready-to-eat items to one person. When you think of Mishloach Manot recipients, in addition to your regular friends, please keep in mind those who would really benefit from a visit and a mishloach manot delivery.  Need an idea of someone new to deliver to? Don’t hesitate to reply to this email and we’ll send you some names!


Matanot L'Evyonim • Gifts for those who need


This mitzvah enables all in our community to have a truly happy Purim. Due to increased financial insecurity, we plan to distribute Matanot LaEvyonim to a larger group of households this year both within our community and through Chasdei Eliyahu. Give as you are able. Please make your donation directly for distribution on Purim day, ideally by Saturday night, March 23, before midnight. Click here to donate.


Other Customs

Taanit Esther: This year, the fast of Esther will be on Thursday, March 21. Join Rabbanit Fruchter for some learning after davening at 8:00am about fasting and the power of prayer.

Machatzit HaShekel: It is customary in the month of Adar to give a “half-shekel” as a remembrance of the head-tax in Temple times which was collected in order to have new funds for communal sacrifices for the new Temple fiscal-year which began the following month in Nisan. At shul, you will find a bundle of three half-dollars which represent the half shekels enabling everyone to fulfill the custom during our megillah readings.


Purim Schedule 5784


shabbat afternoon @ the shtiebel

Tot Pre-Purim Shabbat Afternoon Singalong


(Kids 0-3 and their grownups)



saturday night @ the shtiebel

Maariv & Havdalah followed by Megillah Reading

A reminder that the mitzvah of Matanot Laevyonim should be performed on Purim day itself, see above.





saturday night @ the shtiebel

Late Megillah Reading





sunday morning  @ the shtiebel

Shacharit & Megillah Reading #1

Megillah will start at approximately 9:00am.


Please bring a dry goods item (e.g. pasta!) to use as your grogger to donate for local hunger relief.



10:15 am

sunday morning  @ the shtiebel

Sensory Friendly Megillah Reading


neurodiversity affirming, all are welcome


11:15 am

sunday morning  @ Columbus Square Park

Kids Purim Costume Parade


Meet at the corner of 13th and Wharton in your Purim finery!


3:00 pm

sunday afternoon - Purim day  

Community Megillah Reading


Coming for the afternoon Seudah and missed the AM reading? Join us!

Please bring a dry goods item (e.g. pasta!) to use as your grogger to donate for local hunger relief. A reminder that the mitzvah of Matanot Laevyonim should be performed on Purim day itself, see above.


4:00 pm

sunday afternoon - Purim day  

A Very Whimsical Purim Tea Party Seudah


Explore the topsy-turvy wonderland of our Shtiebel community. We hope to see you as we all revel in the transformative power of communal joy!  Join the Raging Iguanas (i.e. Elana and Corey) for FUN AND GAMES.


Feel free to bring a short piece of Purim Torah and a beverage to share!


6:15 pm

sunday afternoon - Purim day  

Closing Tisch


Join Rabbanit Fruchter and Rabbinic Intern Tadhg Cleary for some soulful singing at the end of our Seudah! We’ll close with mincha and maariv.

About us

The Shtiebel is a center for Jewish gathering, buzzing with spirited Jewish learning, kids playing, new friendships forming, and lively prayer services.



1311 S. Juniper Street
Philadelphia, PA 19147

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